FaceBook Post Ideas | Our Top 5 Picks

5 Awesome Facebook Post Ideas

If you have stalled in your ideas of new and interesting ways to engage your audience on Facebook, then you are not alone. These techniques below have been proven to work by creating tons of shares, likes and comments, along with increased clicks through to your money site.


1. Present a problem and request guidance and feedback

“In general folks LOVE to help solve issues and also to answer questions”.

In this situation……what would you do?
Are you able to help with one of our customers tricky query?
I am searching for peoples opinions on….. what would you prefer?


2. Run a survey

Surveys are great for creating discussion but also for obtaining insights that are extremely useful about your potential clients.

Here’s a link that’ll take you to Facebook’s survey program. Click here

Some thoughts for surveys contain:

What products do you want to see us offer?
Pertaining to social media marketing, what strategy has worked for you?
Which marketing cost is your biggest concern presently?


3. Follow Friday

Give your page supporters the chance to share a link to their own digital marketing channels or their web site; not only do they get the opportunity to showcase products or their company,  it encourages people to meet with new businesses and make new links and connections.


4. Get personal

This can be the place and time where you, as a smaller business proprietor, have an inherent edge. Don’t hesitate to post and report on your own personal pictures occasionally. Doing this will distinguish yourself from other larger brands in the marketplace, and can give you that personalised service appeal.


5. Being Perfect is not a Prerequisite

Who said we must be perfect in order for the masses to enjoy us? Don’t hesitate to share your struggles in business also as this demonstrates you are genuine and not immune to set backs either. This is really an effective means to present your brand as more relatable and more understanding to approach.


The tips above are strategies that have worked for both myself and our clients, but are in no way the only ones you can focus on. I was inspired to write this post while reading an article by Kim Garst, an absolute guru in the industry. Check out her multitude of other Killer digital marketing ideas and tips on her blog.

Feel free to discuss your best thoughts on Facebook post ideas in the comments below. We would love to hear about them and share them around. 

